BVSD Strategies for Student Success

How Technology is Embedded in the Success Effect

By now, most readers of my blog will know about the Success Effect, but if you do not, it is the strategic plan centered around learning, talent, and partnerships for BVSD. In July of this past year, our superintendent, Dr. Messinger, published a blog detailing the work of six Priority Action Teams for the implementation of the BVSD Success Effect.

The question has come up, where is the technology goal or initiative in the plan? That is a great question which I will explore in this blog.

I look at technology as a tool to enable components of learning, such as student engagement or collaboration, to be successful. Technology is a means to the end, not the end itself.

With that in mind, the implementation of technology in the learning environment is an expectation embedded within each plan. BVSD also has technology standards and skills embedded in all BVSD curriculum and in Educator Effectiveness standards.

You can find the full blog and/or provide your view on technology and how it enhances the learning experience by clicking here.

I hope to hear from you!
By Andrew Moore, Chief Information Officer

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